The David Boles Bells Blog.
Ring Them Boles Bells!

Ring them bells
from the sanctuaries
’Cross the valleys
and streams
— Bob Dylan

Pressing Kettlebells Over the Age of 50!

Future of Kettlebell Training: 25-Year Roadmap
future David Boles future David Boles

Future of Kettlebell Training: 25-Year Roadmap

The kettlebell, once seen as a specialized tool for strength and functional training, is set to transform healthy workouts over the next 25 years. Thanks to new scientific insights, improvements in materials, and smart technology integration, kettlebells will soon be a staple in home gyms, rehabilitation clinics, and digital fitness programs. Here’s a friendly, conversational look at what to expect in the coming decades.

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Kettlebell Chronicles: Mastering the Art of Swing and Strength in 2024
workouts David Boles workouts David Boles

Kettlebell Chronicles: Mastering the Art of Swing and Strength in 2024

Our time-honored champion, the Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up, continues its reign, challenging every fiber of our being with its rigorous demand for core and shoulder stability. The Kettlebell Swing, a foundational pillar of kettlebell doctrine, remains an unrivaled method for engaging the posterior chain whilst forcing cardiovascular prowess into our trends of training.

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Make Your Own Kettlebell
workouts David Boles workouts David Boles

Make Your Own Kettlebell

Sometimes, you want to work out with your Kettlebells, but you aren’t home, or near a gym. You might be travelling or staying with a friend, and now get that itch to swing a Bell! What to do?

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Master Your Blood Sugar: Daily Kettlebell Workouts for Optimal A1C Management
blood sugar David Boles blood sugar David Boles

Master Your Blood Sugar: Daily Kettlebell Workouts for Optimal A1C Management

Kettlebell exercises, often involving high-intensity interval training (HIIT), have been shown to enhance the body’s ability to utilize glucose. This is primarily due to increased muscle activity, which demands more glucose as a fuel source. A study published in the "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" indicated that participants engaging in HIIT workouts, similar in intensity to kettlebell exercises, experienced improved blood sugar levels.

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Manage A1C with Kettlebells
health David Boles health David Boles

Manage A1C with Kettlebells

Hello, my delightful Kettlebell friend! You're here because you probably already know, exercise is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. But did you know it can also have a direct impact on your A1C levels if you're dealing with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes?

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Begin Swinging Again at 50!
aging David Boles aging David Boles

Begin Swinging Again at 50!

As we age, we may find ourselves becoming weak, and brittle, from inactivity, and the contretemps of getting older. Using the new LLM, I asked it to create a simple, but workable, introduction to Kettlebells for the over 50 crowd like us. Here are the wonderful results!

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Post Surgery Kettlebell Workout
safety David Boles safety David Boles

Post Surgery Kettlebell Workout

Recovering from surgery can be a cruel experience. You are ready to start lifting again, but you don’t want to reinjure yourself. Here’s a carefully crafted “Post Surgery Kettlebell Workout” to ease you back into your Bells routine. Remember, it's crucial to get clearance from your doctor or physical therapist before starting any new exercise regimen, especially after surgery.

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How I Blew Out My Anus By Lifting, Bro
health David Boles health David Boles

How I Blew Out My Anus By Lifting, Bro

However, the next day, in the shower, while I was washing all my private parts — and if you are not washing your anus and testicles, and the bottom of your feet every time you shower, you’re not doing it right, you must always gently scrub and check for things that don’t belong or feel out of place — and I was lucky in that as I was washing my delicate bits I felt something really out of place anally and out of the ordinary rectally.

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Grip Strength and Longevity in Aging
aging David Boles aging David Boles

Grip Strength and Longevity in Aging

One of the greatest ways to practice your grip strength is to simply take two Kettlebells of equal weight, and grab one in each hand and stand tall holding the weights by your side. The weights should challenge you, but not hurt you to hold them.

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Basic Kettlebell Workout Template
strength David Boles strength David Boles

Basic Kettlebell Workout Template

Now that I’ve recovered from my injury, I am ready to set up — and share with you — my basic Kettlebell workout routine template that you can use, and modify as you see fit. I will fill most of the week for you with exercises you can use, modify, and add to in order to make up your own routine. Don’t train every day. Skip a day between heavy workouts. Or skip two days. Use these routines only as suggestions for what might best fit your body.

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Intermediate Kettlebell Recovery Workout
injury David Boles injury David Boles

Intermediate Kettlebell Recovery Workout

I added a little more variety to the program this week. I’m working on getting my Snatches back in my brain and body. They’re important, and sometimes a little scary, plus I have to watch my hypermobile elbows for safety.

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Setting Up Your Kettlebell Home Gym
gym David Boles gym David Boles

Setting Up Your Kettlebell Home Gym

First, you need to buy, or borrow, a Kettlebell. You can buy expensive bells, and cheap bells, online. Remember, the bells you buy will pretty much outlive you, and outlast your next hundred generations, so I am often of the mind that it is better to buy a good quality bell you will want to pick up and use, and share, and hand down.

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Keep Your Kettlebell Chalk Hand Strong
chalk David Boles chalk David Boles

Keep Your Kettlebell Chalk Hand Strong

Chalking your hands is one of the most important things you should do before starting a Kettlebell workout. Chalk will save your hands. Chalk will drive your better half, or roommate, crazy because of all the unmanageable white dust left behind but — “making it snow” — is one of the delights about chalking up your Kettlebell hands!

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Kettlebell Recovery Workout
recovery David Boles recovery David Boles

Kettlebell Recovery Workout

Last week, I did too much. I was doing a standing row with a 32kg Kettlebell — just for fun, to see if I could lift it using each hand — and I felt a little twinge in my back on the right side. I shrugged it off, thinking I’d stretch it out later, but the discomfort grew as the week progressed. I foolishly pushed on and pushed myself until my designated rest day.

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