About David Boles
I was born in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1965. I have lived, and worked, in the New York City metro area for more than 30 years. I am a graduate of both the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Columbia University in the City of New York. In addition to my work in the entertainment and publishing fields, I have also been involved in health, and fitness, for more than 25 years.
I served a Visiting Professorship from the Center for Sports Medicine and Sports Performance, School of Medicine, University of California, Davis and, for many years, I taught Public Health at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (formerly UMDNJ).
This BolesBells.com website reflects the ever-changing color, and ongoing tone, of our aging lives: Grey skin, White hair, and Black Hearts!
I am now 56-years-old, and when I began my health journey to lower my weight, and control my blood pressure half a half-century ago, I stumbled across several truths. First, the body yearns to be in motion. Second, a Vegan lifestyle saved my life, as well as my blood cholesterol, and finally, after trying every single fitness formality and binge flop, I have come to the clear, and final, conclusion there is no other better method to finding your best health than using Kettlebells.
I’ve tried walking, running, Ashtanga Yoga, HIIT, EMOM, calisthenics, Pilates, weight machines, stationary bikes — and while they are all effective in their own way — only Kettlebells get you in shape quicker, rip off the fat faster, and plunge your blood pressure readings in a way medication alone cannot. I do still incorporate walking, stretching, and Yoga as an ongoing part of my daily health tranche.
I am not a doctor. Nothing on this BolesBells.com website should be considered medical advice. I’m sharing my Kettlebells journey with you. I’m letting you know what works for me, may not work for you. I am your open evaluation. I can tell you, anecdotally, that after starting a basic Kettlebell regime for three weeks, my blood pressure readings dropped 10 systolic points, and 10 diastolic points — the body wants, and needs to be tested by the movement of weights — and those vital improvements have remained while my Kettlebell workouts have been maintained over time. No other workout routine came close to that sort of verifiable success.
This website will improve with age — as we all may hope happens to us as we are painted with a creeping wisdom against our youthful veil — and I may even get into sharing the details of my Kettlebell workouts if there is interest. Stay with me. Read with me. Find your own righteous path forward, and be sure to let me know what you find along the way!
I do many things. I have lived many lives. I’m INTJ. Some call me Polymathic. I invite you to visit a few of my other projects when you’re finished looking around here at David Boles Bells: David Boles, Blogs — David Boles Books Writing & Publishing — Hardcore ASL — Script Professor — the Human Meme podcast and David Boles University. Of all my online endeavors, BolesBells.com is my first, last, and only, website dedicated to fitness.
This is the David Boles: Human Meme podcast!