The David Boles Bells Blog.
Ring Them Boles Bells!
“Ring them bells
from the sanctuaries
’Cross the valleys
and streams”
Pressing Kettlebells Over the Age of 50!

Muscle Retention and Atrophy
As we age into the wisdom of our bodies, it can be a challenge to always keep up with the exercise and weight routines. Sometimes we’re too tired to workout. Sometimes we are injured and cannot workout. Sometimes we back off just a bit to give our bodies a rest.

How I Blew Out My Anus By Lifting, Bro
However, the next day, in the shower, while I was washing all my private parts — and if you are not washing your anus and testicles, and the bottom of your feet every time you shower, you’re not doing it right, you must always gently scrub and check for things that don’t belong or feel out of place — and I was lucky in that as I was washing my delicate bits I felt something really out of place anally and out of the ordinary rectally.

CoQ10 and Niacin for Lowering Blood Pressure
In our ongoing effort to stay alive, relatively young, and prosperous of mind and heart health, we examine today the rumored positive effects of combining CoQ10 and Niacin to help lower our blood pressure. Beware that none of this is medical advice, and if you are on a formal medication system, don’t add any supplements before you consult your doctor.

Long Covid and Adverse HRV
We don’t yet understand much about the incoming perils with Long Covid. It appears there is growing evidence that Long Covid is already adversely affecting people’s lungs, and hearts, and the need for urgent emergency transplantation — and we have to be cautious, and careful, about moving forward in a safe way that leads to longevity and conservative recovery!

Grip Strength and Longevity in Aging
One of the greatest ways to practice your grip strength is to simply take two Kettlebells of equal weight, and grab one in each hand and stand tall holding the weights by your side. The weights should challenge you, but not hurt you to hold them.

Alcohol and Exercise
There’s an old rumor out there — spread by the person who is the topic of the rumor — that a certain bodybuilder would get protein more quickly absorbed into his system by using vodka instead of water to mix heavy scoops of protein powder for the drinking!

OpenAI Chat Becomes Your Health and Fitness Coach
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is here to stay, and AI will enhance, and change our approach to fitness and health. OpenAI has a new ChatBot that is quite fantastical. We can set up a training schedule, and get back answers to serious inquiries. Here are a few examples of just what we can do with AI — to not only make our lives better, but to educate us in ways we may have yet to imagine.

HRV Revolution
Don’t compare your HRV with anyone else’s — that is a problem many of us have, we want to know how we add up to others in our community, or age group — well, with HRV, we only compare ourselves to our own readings over time. That’s why it’s important to record our HRV in a reliable way for memory and reference.

Do Not Mix Weights and Stretching
I was doing deep stretching while also lifting heavy weights in the same workout session. That is completely dangerous for a myriad of reasons, mainly because it confuses the muscles in your body: “Are we stretching, or are we compressing?” Fair question, and my answer was always failing.

High Caffeine Consumption Disrupts Heart Rhythms
Sometimes, we cannot avoid caffeine. It is in our beans. It is in our medications. Caffeine is even part of a lactated ringer — if you ever need to have an IV stuck in your arm. So, what to do? Do we create a hard line against ingesting any and all free will caffeine, or do we try to go with the flow, and evaluate each moment of acceptance as if it’s our first?

Beware of Adjustable Dumbbells
Adjustable dumbbells and Kettlebells may appear to be money-saving and time-salvaging — but they are not what they appear to be; you cannot just look at that type of Bell and know its weight and size and that isn’t a good thing when you are working out.

Covid Related Athlete Deaths
As Monkeypox takes over health headlines from Covid-19, the long term aftereffects of Covid on the body — and the body politic! — are still lurking among us, and within us, and athletes appear to be at higher cardiac risk of future Covid damage to the heart than the rest of the population.

Secrets of the Turkish Get-Up
Your wrists, arms, shoulders, core (torso), legs, ankles, and feet will all be involved. Doing a TGU right can cause some imbalance correction. You become a machine of perfection as you slowly move through space; and the beauty part of it is this: A Turkish Get-Up is precisely the one movement you want to perfect as you age, because a TGU involves all the skills needed to safely, properly, and correctly, get a body up from the ground after a fall.

Time-Restricted Eating is Ineffective
For years, I have often been a fan of intermittent fasting as a weight loss method. I would often recommend eating all your daily calories before noon, and then fasting until the next morning when you woke up and started the cycle all over again.

Covid-19: Overfat Syndemic
By considering the big picture view of Covid-19 as a Syndemic, we see that susceptibility to disease would not occur, or would become less serious, if the vulnerabilities to infections and spreading of disease were reduced by proactive measures.

Smart Wearables Beating Your Heart
I am a big fan of wearables that give you delicate insights into the complicated status of your heart health. As we age, we become slower, and fatter, and more unsubstantial in what we are able to accomplish. If our wearables can help track us, and get us up, and moving — then, just perhaps, we will be able to enhance our lives with the help of some amazing technology.

Exercise Harder to Stop the Pain of Aging
As we grow older, and as we gain our hard-earned wisdom, the aches and the pains of living longer begin to pile up, and take a toll on our wondrous bodies.

A Weighted Vest Adds Stamina
I am a big believer in pushing cardio, and in building stamina. Kettlebells are really good at building both of those blocks for better health, but sometimes you just need an extra nudge to keep your body honest, and your mind at full capacity.

Oura Ring 3 Generation Failure!
There are some moments in a well-worn life when you don’t want to have to be forced to take the next, fateful, step off the pyramid and into the pitfalls of death; but now I fear, is the time for that tasking in finally reviewing the Generation 3 Oura Ring.

Twitch as Social Mesh Workout on
We have a new live stream — David Boles LIVE! — and it has become quite a fascination in that every thought, giggle, and mistake makes it live on air, just like my old days in radio. Except, when you live stream, your “made for radio face” suddenly become a liability as all your innate ugliness takes a visible turn for the worse!