Twitch as Social Mesh Workout on
We have a new live stream — David Boles LIVE! — and it has become quite a fascination in that every thought, giggle, and mistake makes it live on air, just like my old days in radio. Except, when you live stream, your “made for radio face” suddenly become a liability as all your innate ugliness takes a visible turn for the worse! Just kidding. I think.
My bride of 33 years, Janna Sweenie, is Deaf and always quite lovely, and she provides American Sign Language tutorials on our stream as well — when she is available.
The ability to live stream every weekday is a great opportunity to be heard, and to help propagate good ideas, and functions, that bring in a wider angle of yaw of righteousness than just a textual, contextual, experience like we’re sharing right now, in this text box. Instead of just reading and writing about exercise, we can now actually demonstrate our wants and needs in real time and give, and get, synchronous feedback via the chat box!
Here’s a recent live stream where I help fix Golfer’s Elbow and Tennis Elbow:
This is another live stream where I provided a seated lesson in how to properly use Bosu Balls.
Oh, and who could forget Kettlebells? No me!
Here I share my love for the heavy metal beauties that becomes each of us, every day. Plus, I add in some other frames that fill out the human condition — rubbery things, and stretchy things, that all help us become stronger Swingers of hard iron!
If you happen to have some time sometime, we’d love to have you visit us on to share your insights, and experiences, with working out -- or working better -- and stronger. You can also send us a question in chat, or make a request for a demonstration, or lesson, of something you’d like to watch live online during our stream. Find us! We want to be discovered!
David Boles acting out on!