Egg Weights Crack Your Cardio
Every good Kettlebeller — Kettleballer? — knows cardio is an important part of our workout regimen. It’s too easy for some of us to just focus on lifting heavy bells while forgetting about the necessary aerobic aspect of our workouts.
It can be difficult to engage our rapidly-beating heart for a long period of time while managing Swinging a bell, and so I have added Egg Weights to my pre- and post- Kettlebell workouts to safely help assure my heart rate is routinely, and maximally, peaked for a longer period of time without injuring myself, or putting undue force on my swiftly aging joints.
Egg Weights are a marvellous invention, and a wonderful addition to your workout arsenal. Egg Weights are shaped like eggs, so they fit firmly, and kindly, in your hand — as a clenched fist — and they add 2-3-5 pounds, depending on the weight you purchase, and yet the form factor always stays the same. Yes, a 2 lb. Egg Weight is the same size in your hand as a 5 lb weight! Now that’s the magic of intellectual thinking, and the beauty of primary technological design!
Egg Weights, to me, always feel heavier than their designed weight because they mold into your hand -- or is it the other way around? -- and become part of your native bodyweight. Your fingers, thumb, and wrist keep all that heavy-handed business, grasped. That means your arms are actually forced to manage to lift, and maneuver, a heavier hand instead of something large, and unwieldy, that just happens to be held in your hand like say, a barbell, or even a Kettlebell.
I use two different Egg Weight designs. I purchased each set myself, several years apart. Egg Weights were my random discovery. I was not asked to review these weights, and I was not sent any free, or discounted, product.
The first set of Egg Weights were purchased several years ago, and they are contemporary and regularly egg-shaped. I use them to shadow box, and to do arm and shoulder rotations. They’re quite wonderful in your hands as you do jumping jacks, too. Running in place, while moving your hands up, and down, and out, and upward gives you a really good go at sustaining your heart rate. Egg Weights have a special rubber casing with a finger loop to make sure they won’t slide, or fly, out of your hands while working out.
My second set of Egg Weights — purchased a few months ago as a “Surviving the Pandemic” prize for myself — are used specifically for running, and higher velocity workouts. These Egg Weights are not traditionally egg-shaped — they have molded thumb indentations as part of the weight — in addition to the rubberized finger holes for added stability. I find these slightly thinner weights are easier to “go wild” with on a public street because my thumbs are absolutely in complete control of the weight. Your preference may vary.
If you’ve been looking for a new tool to add to your workouts, think about grabbing a hold of some Egg Weights to see what they can do for aerobic consistency. I believe you will find them an invaluable addition as your heavier hands.
No broken yokes here — but there is one leaking local yokel!