The David Boles Bells Blog.
Ring Them Boles Bells!

Ring them bells
from the sanctuaries
’Cross the valleys
and streams
— Bob Dylan

Pressing Kettlebells Over the Age of 50!

How I Blew Out My Anus By Lifting, Bro
health David Boles health David Boles

How I Blew Out My Anus By Lifting, Bro

However, the next day, in the shower, while I was washing all my private parts — and if you are not washing your anus and testicles, and the bottom of your feet every time you shower, you’re not doing it right, you must always gently scrub and check for things that don’t belong or feel out of place — and I was lucky in that as I was washing my delicate bits I felt something really out of place anally and out of the ordinary rectally.

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A Weighted Vest Adds Stamina
David Boles David Boles

A Weighted Vest Adds Stamina

I am a big believer in pushing cardio, and in building stamina. Kettlebells are really good at building both of those blocks for better health, but sometimes you just need an extra nudge to keep your body honest, and your mind at full capacity.

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Egg Weights Crack Your Cardio
egg weights David Boles egg weights David Boles

Egg Weights Crack Your Cardio

It can be difficult to engage our rapidly-beating heart for a long period of time while managing Swinging a bell, and so I have added Egg Weights to my pre- and post- Kettlebell workouts to safely help assure my heart rate is routinely, and maximally, peaked for a longer period of time without injuring myself, or putting undue force on my swiftly aging joints.

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Basic Kettlebell Workout Template
strength David Boles strength David Boles

Basic Kettlebell Workout Template

Now that I’ve recovered from my injury, I am ready to set up — and share with you — my basic Kettlebell workout routine template that you can use, and modify as you see fit. I will fill most of the week for you with exercises you can use, modify, and add to in order to make up your own routine. Don’t train every day. Skip a day between heavy workouts. Or skip two days. Use these routines only as suggestions for what might best fit your body.

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