The David Boles Bells Blog.
Ring Them Boles Bells!

Ring them bells
from the sanctuaries
’Cross the valleys
and streams
— Bob Dylan

Pressing Kettlebells Over the Age of 50!

Why Strength Training with Kettlebells is Key to Active Aging and Lasting Fitness
cardio, strength, health, longevity, aging David Boles cardio, strength, health, longevity, aging David Boles

Why Strength Training with Kettlebells is Key to Active Aging and Lasting Fitness

As we age, our bodies go through inevitable changes: muscle mass begins to decrease, bone density declines, and our metabolism slows down. These natural shifts can make us feel less energetic and more prone to injuries. While many people have historically turned to cardio to stay fit and maintain a healthy weight, strength training has emerged as a more critical component when it comes to aging actively and gracefully. It offers long-term benefits that go beyond what cardiovascular exercise alone can provide.

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Grip Strength and Longevity in Aging
aging David Boles aging David Boles

Grip Strength and Longevity in Aging

One of the greatest ways to practice your grip strength is to simply take two Kettlebells of equal weight, and grab one in each hand and stand tall holding the weights by your side. The weights should challenge you, but not hurt you to hold them.

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Acrobatic Kettlebell Artistry
aerobics David Boles aerobics David Boles

Acrobatic Kettlebell Artistry

If you have been studying Kettlebell videos online, or via Social Media, you may have noticed some Gireveks (Kettlebellers) who not only Swing a Kettlebell, but who then flip the bell in the air, or catch it behind their back, or toss the bell across their body to grab it midair.

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