Problem with Timed Sets
I am not a fan of timed Kettlebell workout sets. Timed sets are when you set a countdown timer, or a countup timer, and you perform Swings, or Presses, or whatever — within a certain time frame before the clock runs out. Sometimes you move the bell for only a part of a minute. Other times you do as many reps as you can within a minute.
The reason, at my age, I don’t like timed sets — is because they make me antsy, and they put a lot of unnecessary pressure on performance within a static limit. You make it or you don’t make it. I don’t think that’s a good set of terms to meet during a workout when you are of a certain age, and ability, or disability.
I’m not built to do 15 20kg Double Swings in 20 seconds a minute for 10 minutes. Sure, it’s a great cardio workout, but as the time ticks away on you, the pressure to get it done before the seconds fade, too often leads to bad form, hurrying, and a greater risk of injury just to meet an artificially imposed deadline.
We are older. Our reflexes are slower. We can still get a good cardio workout with Kettlebell Swings — just by swinging the bells for as long as we can until we feel challenged. Don’t go so long with a Swings set that you get worn out. That’s just as bad as trying to beat a time limit. Just go until you feel a little breathless, then take a break.
You don’t want to risk injury just to try to self-impress — yourself! — with your ability to work out against a digital timer!
There is more to you than mere seconds. You’re into this for the long haul longevity. Don’t risk your future by rushing your past.
The countdown begins against you!