You are a Kettlebell Athlete
Yes, we are old. Yes, we are sometimes brittle. Yes, we are often not as strong as we wish to be, and yet must become — but that doesn’t mean we, as Kettlebellers of Age, don’t deserve the rapt attention of our cardiologists, and our doctors. We have special needs that need to be addressed, and examined, because we are not normal folks for our years. We are alertly conditional. We lift, and we move heavy iron, and I guarantee you 98% of the other people your doctor sees don’t have the strength, or the stamina, that we have stacked so hard to master, and possess.
That’s why it is really important for us to find the right doctor. We are not just working on our strength, we are also challenging our abilities. We don’t just walk. Or just run. Or just lift a barbell. Nope. We do it all together, all at the same time, and that puts a different sort of end calculation in our healthcare that must be addressed by those we choose to care for us.
Sure, we may gain some weight — muscle, not fat — and some doctors only care about BMI, and weight, but there’s good weight, and there’s bad weight. Muscle gains are good. Fat gains are not so great.
If you live in a big city, you might even consider an attending physician who is a “Sports Doctor.” I believe the more traditional nomenclature is — “Sports Medicine” — but you know that a doctor who works with, and helps to train, athletes, will be more proactive, and much more productive for you because your aches, and pains, and medical concerns, are elevated to the athlete level because of your training rituals. An ordinary Primary Care Physician may not have the innate, deeper, interest in understanding your goals, and your intentions, as a Kettlebell athlete.
If you are not near a Sports Medicine doctor, and if you get injured, try to look for physical therapy that focuses on athletes. Your therapeutic recovery will require an experienced hand, and eye, to help guide you back to top health. You are not just a regular person who wants to walk again; you are a specialized, niche, athlete with distinctive, certain, needs that require weight, balance, and strength to get back into sustainable condition.
You can do this!
You have won your own heart!