The David Boles Bells Blog.
Ring Them Boles Bells!

Ring them bells
from the sanctuaries
’Cross the valleys
and streams
— Bob Dylan

Pressing Kettlebells Over the Age of 50!

Self-Perpetuating Pendulum
pendulum David Boles pendulum David Boles

Self-Perpetuating Pendulum

As we stretch through our lives, we will face adversity. Friends die. Allies disappear. Even our Kettlebell workouts can become rote, decayed, and fill us with dismay. We must learn to never accept defeat. We can change a loss into an advantage if we only understand which way the pendulum is swinging: against us, or with us.

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You are a Kettlebell Athlete
athlete David Boles athlete David Boles

You are a Kettlebell Athlete

Yes, we are old. Yes, we are sometimes brittle. Yes, we are often not as strong as we wish to be, and yet must become — but that doesn’t mean we, as Kettlebellers of Age, don’t deserve the rapt attention of our cardiologists, and our doctors. We have special needs that need to be addressed, and examined, because we are not normal folks for our years.

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