Closed Kettlebell Conspiracy

Sometimes, when you start something new — like a Kettlebell program of study — you may feel as if nothing is quite going right. You feel like a failure. You do not meet your goals. You feel like giving up. It’s as if life is set on a conspiracy against you!

Hold on!

There’s hope on the horizon, and beauty in the bell. Everything is fine. No one is out to get you, or trying to sabotage your forward progress. Patience is the way. You will learn the lingo. You’ll catch the terms. You will practice. You will perfect.

The Kettlebell community can be welcoming, but it can also feel closed, and contaminated, to the new. Not all Kettlebell folk are there to help. However, some online are just out to make a buck off you. Others just like to mess with strangers. Some good souls are out there, and they’ll help you get to your goal because they care about the community, and they want others to find, and then share in, their joy.

Don’t get discouraged if you can’t find the right people right away to help you. Often, they’ll find you. You’ll join a community looking for insight, and the good, and honest, people will step forward, and offer you assistance; and yes, there are some excellent, for profit, coaches, and programs, that will cost you money, but as long as you are paying for the best, and verifiable, expertise, there’s certainly no danger is paying people for their time to help boost your Kettlebell potential. You will learn where to safely invest your trust.

You should also be aware that if you are not yet able to afford a good coach, or to purchase a program — there are some good free videos dedicated to the Kettlebell community, but there is also a lot of bad, recorded, form out there. Be careful what you try.

Read. Study. Learn. Know. Above all, recognize.

Then, even if you are not yet able to do what you see being demonstrated, at least you will be able to know who is doing it right, and that art of being able to discern context from contempt is unconquerable.

You can also record yourself, to demonstrate your form online for feedback. Or, you can use your videos privately as an observer check on your own function. You will always know, and begin to sense, what must change.

Knowledge takes a long time. Expertise, even longer. You can become your own Kettlebell master if you take the time, and give yourself the space, to know what works for you, and what is broken. Then, in picking up the pieces, and placing them together again, you become stronger in the overall understanding of what shattered, and why.

There is no Kettlebell conspiracy against you — consider all training conspiracies solved and disclosed — except for the one that may still be lurking inside you that is holding you back from gaining your best strength and utmost potential!

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean your Kettlebell isn’t out to get you.

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean your Kettlebell isn’t out to get you.


Double-Jointed Kettlebell Cracking


Setting Up Your Kettlebell Home Gym