Advanced Kettlebell Recovery Workout
I am feeling quite strong again after my injury. I am ready now for my final recovery step before I return to my more challenging Kettlebell routines.
Here is my Advanced Kettlebell Recovery Workout, and the main difference between this step, and the Intermediate step, is that I am back to my base Kettlebell weight, a 24kg bell, that sort of caused the injury in the first place because I was trying to do too much. I also do Yoga, stretching, and a 30-minute walk each day.
Monday: 24kg sequence One-Hand Swing/Clean/Press/Squat 10 times each arm.
Tuesday: 20kg Turkish Get Ups. Three times each side. No halo switch between sides. 28kg Rows/Deadlifts 5 times each arm for 3 sets.
Wednesday: 20kg Snatch, 3 times left hand, switch, 3 times right. Ten sets.
Thursday: 28kg Two-Handed Swing 10 times x 10 sets (100 total).
Friday: 24kg sequence One-Hand Swing/Clean/Press/Squat 10 times each arm.
Saturday: 20kg Waiter Carries. Three times each arm.
Sunday: Rest day.
Slow deliberation is the order of the day, along with perfect form and proper execution of intention. I will also rest a bit more between heavy days to make sure I am recovered enough to get back to a more predictable Kettlebell routine.
The idea with every Kettlebell workout is to challenge you, and build strength, and to never exhaust you to the point where your power core is depleted after the workout. Kettlebells should always make you feel energized, and never exhausted.
Turkish Get Ups make an impression!